To organise skeds for a particular satellite please email [email protected] and state in subject line ‘Satellite sked request’. Please confirm mutual access within satellite footprint using grid square PF97GG.
FM Satellites
Will use this as main FM satellite for contacts Mode V/u FM Transponder - 250 mw VHF Uplink: 145.850 MHz FM - 67.0 hz tone UHF Downlink: 436.795 MHz FM
Will use when X-band repeater is active. V/u Repeater VHF Uplink: 145.990 MHz FM - 67.0 hz tone UHF Downlink: 437.800 MHz FM
May try this satellite when time permits Mode V/u FM Transponder VHF Uplink: 145.875 MHz FM UHF Downlink: 436.663 MHz FM
Tevel 1-8
May try these satellites when time permits – Tevel-4 is the most active at the moment. Mode V/u FM Transponder VHF Uplink: 145.970 MHz FM UHF Downlink: 436.400 MHz FM
PO-101 If active in our area may try when time permits Mode U/v FM Transponder UHF Uplink: 437.500 MHz FM - 141.3 hz tone VHF Downlink: 145.900 MHz FM
SSB Satellites
Will use this as main SSB satellite for contacts Mode V/u Linear Inverting Transponder VHF Uplink: 145.935 - 145.965 - 145.995 MHz SSB/CW UHF Downlink: 435.670 - 435.640 - 435.610 MHz SSB/CW
May try this satellite when time permits Mode U/v (B) Linear Inverting Transponder UHF Uplink: 432.1250 - 432.150 - 432.1750 MHz SSB/CW VHF Downlink: 145.9750 - 145.950 - 145.9250 MHz SSB/CW
JO-97 May try this satellite when time permits Mode U/v Linear Inverting Transponder UHF Uplink: 435.100 - 435.110 - 435.120 MHz SSB/CW VHF Downlink: 145.855 - 145.865 - 145.875 MHz SSB/CW
Data Satellites
Will use this as main Data satellite for contacts UHF Uplink/Downlink: 435.310 MHz
LEDSAT May try this satellite when time permits UHF Uplink:435.310 MHZ Downlink: 435.190 MHz